Check Out Our Featured Robotic kits & Educational Services

Fun and engaging way to learn robotics, coding & other essential skills

Automate Robotic Kit

Age 8+


Programming without coding


Endless Possibilities


Remote Control with IOT


Monitoring and Debugging


Faster Loading Time


Build - Learn - Play

Build - Learn - Play

Equipping Younger Ones with hands-on experience for the future. Let’s Bring out the inner inventors in children.

Become Your Kid’s Buddy

Become Your Kid’s Buddy

Engage and play with your children with KiMu’s Projects at Home. Relish the time spent well.

Learn and Apply

Learn and Apply

Incorporate KiMu’s Projects into your school to nurture the next generation of successful professionals, bold thinkers, and passionate leaders.

What do we offer?

We offer a complete set of educational solutions, which includes STEM Robotic kits, Programming, 3D Design and printing, Coding, Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Multimedia. Furthermore, our solutions are fully compatible with the new NEP (National Education Policy) academic requirements.

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Why KiMu Products?

Creative Thinking

Our products foster the creativity of users, allowing them to explore and play around with controlling the Robotic Kit Projects to their hearts' content. Let your imagination turn into reality.

Knowledge for future

New technologies are being developed all around the world. By embracing new technologies into their learning processes, students will be less hesitant or fearful to utilize unfamiliar tech in the future.


Letting youngsters explore various disciplines early makes them feel unconfined by precedent or expectation. KiMu’s Robotic kit projects introduce the younger ones to various disciplines of science and technology, thereby boosting their self-confidence.

Empower Teachers

Students require space to apply what they have learned in school. Our Robotic Kit Projects empower teachers to create an environment where students can effectively apply their knowledge.

Learning Fun

Learning and Fun do not go hand in hand. Wait! What if they could? Learn while you play with KiMu’s Products.


Answers cannot exist without questions. Similarly, Inventions cannot exist without curiosity. Our Robotic kit Projects are designed to cultivate curiosity among students and assist them in becoming future inventors.

A Little About us

The World is changing, and everyone tries to keep pace with this rapidly changing world. It has been some time now since technology became an integral part of our everyday lives, and it cannot be stopped.

Research and development are happening all around the world to develop new technologies. With advancements in technology occurring every minute, it becomes inevitable to impart this knowledge to students/children at an earlier stage of their curriculum.

We started KiMu Robomatics with a vision to equip our future minds with knowledge and enable them to experience the joy of learning through KiMu’s Robotic kits.
